Tools of the KidLit Trade

Want to be taken seriously as writer?
Step one. write, a lot.
 Step two? Look the part. 

Shop all my favs!

Want to be taken seriously as writer? Step one. write, a lot.

 Step two? Look the part. 

Tools of the KidLit Trade

shop all my favs!

Mentor Texts

Great writers are great readers. 

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chRISTIAN mentor texts

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mentor texts

Shop my favorite children's books to use as mentor texts. (Books that you can read and re-read to learn from as a fellow author.)

all my favorite things for my writing room

My Office

Wardrobe Staples and Whatnots

Just a bit of a random round up

The KidLit Lab's Courses Give You Hands-On Training

Manuscript masterclass

For kids ages 6-17, consider this 'KidLit 101' to help a budding writer learn the basics of writing an incredible children's picture book. 

The Kidlit Story SCHOOL 

Meet with Laura one-on-one for an hour to talk about your picture book, publishing goals, or editing questions. 

1:1 Coaching

learn from laura

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